Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I've got ears

21 Hear this, you foolish and senseless people, who have eyes but do not see, who have ears but do not hear:22 Should you not fear me?" declares the LORD.  Jeremiah 5:21-22

The verse explains itself but it reminds me of this morning.  My wife wakes up and calls me to ask, "Did you not hear that noise in the living room?"  Me- what noise?  Her-that annoying buzzing humming noise.  Me-no.  Her-its driving me crazy!  So I drive 20 miles and was late to work to check the mystery noise in fear that something might catch on fire.  I still can't hear it.  Too many years of heavy equipment, gunshots, loud music has left me tone deaf.
Tonight we came home and the kids said, "What's that noise Dad."  Me-idk but find it before Ladawn goes completely over the edge!  After much searching they found and old battery power clock that was buzzing, buried in a sack, in the living room!
Its like that with God sometimes.  We have ears and can hear but can't always hear what really needs to be heard.  Sometimes we need those extra set of ears to help us discern.  What have you not been hearing?  If you are bold enough, ask someone.

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