Sunday, January 11, 2015

things i've learned from being alone

The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deuteronomy 31:8

I've been alone for a while now... there are several things that I have learned, remembered, and realized. Here are a few: 
I'm funny! I love to laugh and joke around to have a good time, especially with the kids.  People are too serious all of the time. 
TV sucks. Theres nothing on worth watching. It;s such a time waster. 
Cooking for one is terrible. Have you ever read a recipe that says "serves one?" Yeah, right! 
I just wanna live my life to the fullest. I want to go and see and do and meet. I want to climb a mountain then ride my bike down it with a GoPro on my head. 
Sunday nights suck. Bad. It must be from the spiritual high you get in the morning, then the anticipation of preparing for the week in the evening. I hate Sunday nights. 
I love to write. If I could type faster I would definitely write short stories! (Novels bore me!) 
You're never alone. Christ is with you always. There are still people out there that God uses to intervene in your life. Yes, some actually do what God tells them to! Most, however, are too busy to care.

The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."

On the completely opposite hand, i took too many things for granted when I wasn't alone. Here's a few: 
My team. When you have someone you are a member of a team. Team mates encourge each other and pick each other up after a fierce tackle. Then, the team huddles and moves forward again. There's no one to help you up when you are alone. 
Getting that text or phone call every once in awhile just to say I'm thinking of you. Or even something as menial as "leaving work" or "leaving the store." Those little texts that imply "I'm on my way to you." Household duties, errands, shopping, ect... are not split. When its only you, it's all you. Which is very tiresome. 
The bed is cold and theres not enough pillows in the world to take up the space. 
Sharing good news. Who you gonna share it with? Stop somebody in the grocery store and tell them you got a bonus. You'll most likely get punched in the face. 
The scent of the one you were with. There is no scent more powerful than that of a signifigant other. 
A hug. A real hug. Not some half second I'm scared of germs crap. A real embrace that lasts more than a few seconds that says I feel your heart beat. Because that's as close as 2 heartbeats can physically get. Really though, what I miss the most is hearing those 3 words "I love you." Not the 3 words you taught your child to say, not what comes from your mom or family. The "I love you" that you hear from the "one." The one that wants to be with you. The one that trusts you with their heart and you trust them back.

So, to all of you out there that havent heard it in a while or heard it and took it for granted. This is from me to you. I love you...

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