Monday, June 18, 2018

I'm that guy.

Think you know me? You don't. Here's an inside look.

Transparency is often bad publicity. We've seen it on reality shows and with the last 2 presidents. All too often someone that's famous will catch the spotlight and fall way short of our expectations. The politician in scandal, the suicidal musician, the pro player that's consumed in sexual deviance.

Most say transparency reveals weakness. Others say it's a testimony to ones like you. I prefer the later.

The following is rare look inside the mind and life of Scott Northcutt only because I'm inspired to write this evening. I come to you from the park, in Dexter, alone as seems the norm lately. The park because I love to be outside and signal blows at my house.

A solid Christian of 16 years. I cuss in proper company. "I kinda give a damn. I kinda don't care" I'm that guy. From a small town. Majored in psychology minored in English. Graduated an Auto Diesel mechanic because i wasnt designed for an office. You'll see me stop on the side of the highway to help stranded motorists. But, I'll never tell anyone because "the left hand shouldn't know wha the right is doing." I'm that guy.

I read everything i can get my hands on. Retain most of it. Qualified and was asked to join MENSA. I declined. Can fix anything. Yes anything. Don't like to fight but you don't want to fight me. I'm that guy.

Been in 3 relationships totaling 23 years. Looking for that forever one. Believe most all couples are compatible as long as they work at it. I painted her toes, braided her hair, drew her a bath and put her through college. I'm that guy. I was the spiritual leader and the funny guy. Cooked most every meal. Snuggled like a kitten and was a lover like no other. Helped pick out her clothes because my style was better and she asked. Didn't complain to see Nicholas Sparks movie when Jason Bourne was playing. I'm that guy. Never lied because I just don't. The truth may sting but that's what you'll get from me. Never looked for love in a relationship because it was already with me. I'm that guy.

Deeper than the ocean. Yet can intelligently discuss anything. They want to talk about sports or fishing. I want to talk about purpose and the your soul. I prefer conversations to not be shallow. Old school wisdom and common sense are dangerous combinations. I'm that guy.

Drive an old truck and an old car because I will not be a slave to debt. Money comes and goes. I'll make more. If I have $50 in my pocket you better believe it's yours too. I'm that guy. Quit a high pay job out of principle. Will not work for someone who doesn't appreciate me again. I'm an entrepreneur in every sense of the word. Always have ideas and inventions. I'm a writer. A poet. A songwriter. An artist. I can build anything you see on Pinterest and more. I'm that guy.

I love to see people in love. It brings me pure joy. Because without love what else is there? I want to be in love. I believe busyness is a sin and an epidemic of modern society. People don't take time to celebrate enough. I know every neighbor near me. I'm there for you. I'm that guy.

Been arrested more than once. Won't apologize for it. Tatted. Gentle as a puppy. Fierce as a lion. I'm good at most everything because God made me in his image. I'm that guy. Conceded and confident yet my ego is fragile. Been called a saint. A hypocrite. Bald. Short. Ugly. Only one of those things hurt my feelings. You can count on me. I'm that guy.

Caught a 50 lb snapping turtle with my bare hands in the river just to say I did. Probably wasn't smart but I have photo evidence. Went kayaking in the ocean at the sharks house. Mountain bike frequently. Totaled my street bike when I hit a van and walked away. Never had surgery. Never get sick. Never go to the dr. Don't trust them. I'm that guy. I fell through the ice on a frozen pond alone as a child and broke the ice to the edge the walked home.

I hate being alone. Yet I always seem to be. It sinks me into depression. The depression is situational. It comes and goes. Cripples when it's here. I hide it. I believe in demons and have had encounters with a few. They want me. They can't have me because I am filled with the spirit of Jesus. Doesn't stop them. My spiritual awareness is high. I'm that guy. I can read body language and am a good judge of character but I can't read minds. If you want me to know something say it. I'm quiet in a room full of people. Yet very comfortable in the company of 2 or 3. I'm that guy.

I'm my own worst enemy. I long for companionship. A family. A tribe. I feel uncomfortable in my own skin when my purpose gets blurry. I'm that guy. I can find humor in most anything and will let you know. If you want to road trip to California I can pack a bag in 6 minutes. I'll be in the car waiting working on the playlist. I'm metal af. Can quote Asking Alexandria or Alan Jackson. Wear "snakeskin boots and a baseball cap." I'm that guy.

You can call me but you won't. I will come fix your problem at midnight. I'm that guy. Been to more than one foreign country to spread the love of Jesus to people I don't know and won't ever see again. Why wouldn't I drive over and help you? I'm that guy.

I have integrity. Morals. Values. Honesty. I'm that guy. Who are you?

posted from Bloggeroid

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