Monday, September 29, 2014

assets and liabilities

And let us be concerned about one another to promote love and good works,  Hebrews 10:24

I recently filled out a balance sheet for my financial adviser.  It is a form that has a vertical line through the center.  On the left side are your assets.  These consist of money, property, and other valuables that you own.  On the right side are liabilities.  These are what and who you owe.  At the bottom of the sheet you add up all the lines in the asset column and write a total.  Then you add up all the liabilities and write a total.  Finally, you subtract the liabilities from the assets.  This magic number is you net worth.  Ideally, your assets should far outweigh your liabilities.

Lets talk about our spiritual balance sheet.  As I was doing the financial balance sheet, I couldn't help but correlate it with the Christian walk.  We as Christians are called to help one another down this road called life.  Make up a spiritual balance sheet for yourself.  If you are kind and giving, that's and asset.  If you are a complainer and rude, that's a liability.  Make yourself a balance sheet if you are brave enough.  Are you an asset to others?  Maybe your a liability?  Be careful if you're the latter... you may be wrote off!

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