Someone once said, “The Bible is like a pool. Shallow enough that a little child can come and get a drink without fear of drowning, yet so deep scholars can swim in it and never touch bottom.”
I love this quote that Pastor Adrian Rogers used. It says so much and says so little at the same time. The reality is the truth behind it. My children have no problem understanding that there is a God. That He created the heavens and the earth. That He sent His one and only son to die on a cross for all man's sin. That He was resurrected on the third day and ascended to heaven. It's so simple when you have just a little faith.
In contrast, it can be deep. How deep? Real deep. There are many things in the bible that no one understands.
So lets apply this to our lives. Your daily conversations say a lot about how "deep or shallow" you are. We want to be deep but not drown. Are your conversations typically about some score of some game, or the person that cut you off at the store, or what that one gal said about someone else? That's quite shallow. Or are your conversations deeper, about the meaning of scripture, blessings, praises, and the will of God?
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